Casual Wedding
This is a photograph from the second wedding I have ever shot. The bride is a former coworker of mine, and I wanted to caption her and the groom's faith in an image. I chose to photograph them in front of the small church they were married in. -
This is a portrait of my friend Tessa's younger brother. Their whole family has freckles that I am envious of, so I decided to photograph him and make it black and white to show the contrast between the freckles and his pale skin. -
Mud Dog
Music is one of the most important things in my life, so if I am given the opportunity to photograph a show, I will take it. This is the singer of the band Mud Dog, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. -
The Lonely Man
This photo is apart of my 35mm personal project. In my project, I am making a book of the photos I shoot on expired film that I find on eBay. There is a stigma against expired film, many professionals see it as unprofessional and mediocre, but I thoroughly enjoy the results it gives me. It shows age, it brings in colors and textures you won't receive nor expect with digital. This man was inside a building I was walking past in Chicago. -
Ryan is a model for The Rock Agency, he came in to model for our class. Me and him had a great time photographing, and this ended up being one of my favorite shots. -
E I photographed this MAC lipstick during my first year of college. I am not much of a product photographer, but I am still in love with how this photo turned out.